
Superyacht Tender Comes Home

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Taking advantage of the fact that they were coming to cruise New Zealand and the South Pacific, Captain Clark gave T2 Artefact, the 11.75m tender we launched in 2019, back to us to undertake some servicing and make some upgrades in key areas.


We had a very tight window to complete the work list, as T2 Artefact needed to be reunited with M/Y Artefact in mid-May. Our friend Kerry came out of semi-retirement to project manage; with Mike as team leader and Benji in charge of all things mechanical they cracked into it. Completing the entire work list, which included a full engines-out service, they had her buttoned up and back in the water right on schedule—a Herculean effort by all involved.


Below are a few snap-shots of T2 Artefacts visit. We are also making a video blog of the whole process, look for it on our social media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube in the coming days.

If you are in need of some refit work, systems inspections or maintenance, please do not hesitate to contact our Refit Manager, Royce, at or telephone +64 9 274 7680