The show was reasonably successful, with a good number of visitors in attendance on Thursday and Friday, the first two days.
We received fantastic feedback on Zaphira, with many of our visitors telling us she was the best boat in the show. One particular comment that stood out was – “…wow, your boats don’t squeak and groan when you walk around inside like the other ones”. They are quite right; they don’t—just one more of the many qualities that define a very well-built custom boat.
As is our tradition, we held our owner's event on the Thursday night of the show. We had a great turnout and a very fun evening. Thank you to all our amazing owners who make these events such enjoyable occasions.
We hope to have something a little bit different at next year’s show, so if you are in Auckland, March 6 to 9, next year, come and see us.

B63: Zaphira looking the part.

Best boat in show according to our visitors.

Enjoying some quality time with our friends.