
B68: Artnautica 60 Sportfisher – We Now Call Her Matuku

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The Artnautica 60 Sportfisher has been launched, sea trialling is completed and she has been handed over to her owner.

The team pulled quite a few late nights to get Matuku finished. We then trucked her down to Half Moon Bay Marina, in the wee small hours of 11 September and dropped her in the water, where she immediately went for her first very successful, sea trial.

Matuku is a stunning boat with an impressive array of features. We are very proud to have her join the Lloyd Stevenson Boatbuilders family and know she will bring her owner many, many years of fun and enjoyment.

And in case you are wondering what Matuku means.... it is the Te Reo Maori word for Heron. The Matuku moana, also known as the white-faced heron, is tall, elegant, blue-grey in colour and can be seen stalking its prey in almost any aquatic habitat…. So, the perfect name.