
B71: Catalyst AC 50… Not Far Behind

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Ben and the team have been pushing along with the 50 as well. In the Christmas newsletter, we left her with hull fairing getting underway. So a lot of work has been completed since then; in fact, the team have been so productive that B71 was launched about a week after B69. She is a stunning looking boat and is a real credit to the team.

The Catalyst design is an exceptionally capable high-performance sea boat. Incredibly smooth and stable, this is particularly advantageous when you have half a dozen analysts on board using their laptops. They are able to maintain relatively high speeds in a range of sea states with 60 knots plus (in the right configuration) regularly achieved. Another reason why many of the elite yacht racing teams of the world choose Catalyst.

And here is a video of her. Thank you Serim for the great work on this video.